Sunday, December 9, 2018


Today we have the release day blitz for Brittani Mari’s THE ILLICIT REVEALED! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: The Illicit Revealed

Author: Brittani Mari

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About The Illicit Revealed:

Wesley Black was a man who was off limits to me for obvious reasons, but I moved closer to him anyways­­­–Indulged myself in his dangerous touch. Skillful hands. Sensual mouth.

Then reality slapped me in the face. My past suddenly snuck its way back into my life. The lies. The truths. The regret. The memories.

Sometimes you don’t really see the truth until it’s too late.

I can attest to that.

My name is Mia Johnson and this is not a love story.

Get Your Copy Today!

Catch up with the Series:

The Illicit Affairs

Exclusive Excerpt:

I didn’t have enough time to back away from the door before he looked at me. His anger slowly began to fade when our eyes met. I let out the breath I had been holding, relieved I had that kind of effect on him. The alternative didn’t actually scare me. It made me sad, concerned for a man I knew fought his own demons. Demons that were clearly starting to get ahead of him.

I guessed we had more in common than I thought. I knew how it felt to mask your own emotions, covering something up that started eating you alive, only to realize it was a losing battle. How could you win when the outcome was inevitable? That knowledge scared me more than anything else because no matter how hard I tried to fight it, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being used. Not only by the man I vowed to love for the rest of my life, but also by the man I called my father. The man who abandoned me, yet still somehow had a hold on me. It was disappointing and intensified an emotion I’d felt in many instances–helplessness. Now that I knew those feelings were real and my father was lurking out there somewhere, I was scared for the moment I would have to face him.

“I was just looking around. I wasn’t—” I started, stopping when he waved his hand through the air dismissively. His anger remained at bay as he watched me, studying me the same way he had the night we met. It hadn’t concerned me at the time, but with everything I had learned, it made me curious about him. When I’d questioned him about his staring before, he claimed he was just looking at me, but what I didn’t consider was why. With all the chaos and destruction now around us, I had started growing even more curious about his motives.

I had been kidnapped. My husband was nearly killed in broad daylight.

I began to think. My desire for this man frightened me, with all the puzzle pieces constantly shifting and being rearranged. I thought back to our conversation. His words were clean and smooth.

I think you’ve gotten me all wrong, Mia. I just find myself constantly staring at you. It might sound like a lame pick-up line, but you fascinate me.”

Those words… The smoothness to them seemed innocent, but now they seemed to carry so much more weight. Why hadn’t I noticed it before? The signs. The clues right in front of me. The transparency. It appeared sexual desire could cloud your mind to the point you didn’t think clearly, making excuses for something that should never have been overlooked.

I tried not to display the suspicion on my face, but when you figured something out, it was easy to forget you were being watched, and he was still studying me.

About Brittani Mari:

Brittani Marí is a writer and reader at heart. The genres she enjoys reading and the storylines she loves to create range from a sexy romance novel to fast-paced suspense. Her typical day when she isn't knee deep in finishing a chapter of her latest creation or reading a book by one of her favorite authors consists of working her regular nine to five and hanging out with friends. The Illicit Affairs is one of her first stories she's decided to share with the world, and she hopes you enjoy every second of it.


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