Thursday, December 14, 2017


Today we have the Release Blitz for WHAT THE HAIL by Lani Lynn Vale! Grab your copy today!


Series: Hail Raisers
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Day: December 14th



He’s wanted her since he repossessed her car and made her cry.

Baylor Hail knew two things. One, he hated crying females. Two, it was even worse when he was the one to make that female cry.

He never meant to do anything but his job, but when one thing leads to another, suddenly all he can think about is the broken woman whose car he towed.

She’s wanted him since he patted her back and told her it was okay to cry even though she knew he was lying.

Nothing ever goes right for Lark.

Not when she got married. Not when she tried to leave her abusive husband, and not when she arrived in a new town with a fresh, clean slate.

That clean slate came courtesy of a secret organization that specializes in helping abused women find a way out.

They set her up with a whole new life. It just turns out that it happened to be right smack dab in the middle of another woman’s old one.

That woman also happens to be down on her luck, something that Lark learns the hard way when on her first day there, her car is towed by a handsome stranger.

It’s been two years since she’s felt any kind of sexual attraction toward a man, and she reacts badly. We’re talking full-on, hysterical breakdown as he loads her car onto his tow truck while looking at her like she’s lost it.

Maybe being crazy isn’t all that bad.

The next thing she knows, she’s spending time with the sexy stranger and life couldn’t be better—even though she still doesn’t have a car.

She thinks she’s in the clear, that she’s got it all figured out… well, that is until her ex-husband finds her again.

Now the ball is in her sexy stranger’s court as he decides whether or not her kind of crazy is worth getting killed over.

Turns out, for Baylor Hail, maybe it is.

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As I exited their house a couple minutes later, three pieces of bacon in one hand, and a disposable cup of coffee in the other, I came to a sudden halt when I saw the woman outside getting ready to mow her lawn.

She wasn’t in jeans today.

No, she was in fucking Spandex.


Spandex that was pink, stretchy, and clung to her unlike anything I’d ever seen before.

The closest thing I could compare it to was fucking saran wrap.

“So, what are today’s panties?” I asked, my filter all but gone.

This woman had the power to unman me.

She grinned and said, “I’d have to take another testicle shot at you with my button for you to find out.”

I was pretty sure it’d be worth it.

“Come on,” I said. “My ball is still throbbing if that counts.”

It was, too. Each step I took caused a sharp pain to shoot up into my belly.

I’d never felt something so debilitating in my life, and I’d been hit by a goddamn car.

She immediately reddened at my words.

“If you have to know,” she blushed seven shades of red, “they say ‘Sour Puss’ on them. Happy?”

My grin was slow as it took over my face. “Sure am.”

She rolled her eyes and looked away.

“Do you live on this street?”

I shook my head and pointed to the house that was three down from hers. “That’s my brother’s place.”

Understanding dawned.

“The tow truck.” She snapped her fingers as if she was let in on a secret. “I’ve always wondered if he was the owner, or if he was just special enough to take his truck home,” she commented.

I shrugged. “All of the employees take them home, honestly. The only way they don’t is if they’re still in the probationary period, but everyone that’s working for us right now is off probation.”


“Why what?” I countered.

“Why do they take them home?”

I shrugged again. “It’s easier to have them with us, that way when we get a call after hours, we don’t have to go to the shop before we run it.”

“Ahhh,” she murmured. “That makes sense, I guess. Why would someone be on probation?”

“If they’re new hires or if they’ve done something stupid like lose a car on the interstate.”

She snorted. “That doesn’t actually happen, does it?”

I grinned. “More than you’d think.”

She leaned her hip against the lawn mower almost out of instinct as she started to laugh.

However, the lawn mower started to roll, and she began to fall.

Doing my manly duty, and my manly duty only, I lurched forward, ignoring the twinge in my balls, and caught her before her ass could kiss the ground.

She gasped when I pulled her in line with my body, and her hands went to my chest.

“That was close,” she gasped. “You’re fast.”

I let her go and stepped away, and my knee nearly gave out.

“Goddamn,” I groaned as I doubled over.

She bent down with me, but my eyes were squeezed shut as I tried to breathe through the pain in my ball—which had trumped the pain in my knee.

I really thought that I might die.


About Lani Lynn Vale


Lani Lynn Vale is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over thirty titles. She is married with three children, two dogs, two cats, a donkey, and a couple (a couple also meaning over twenty) chickens.

When she’s not writing, you can find her curled up in her favorite chair reading.

Lani is married with three children, and lives in the Great State of Texas.

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