Sunday, March 31, 2019


Today we are celebrating the release of FATAL RECKONING. Fatal Reckoning is part of the Fatal series by Marie Force. Check out the purchase links, blurb and teaser for the book below.


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FATAL RECKONING (Fatal, #14) by Marie Force

Available Now!

Book Blurb:

When tragedy strikes, a cold case suddenly turns hot—and deadly

A peaceful morning is shattered when Washington Metro Police lieutenant Sam Holland’s beloved father succumbs to injuries from an unsolved shooting while on duty four years ago. As the community rallies around Sam and her family, one thing becomes crystal clear: her father’s death has turned the unsolved case into a homicide—and it’s on her to bring her father’s killer to justice.

But the case has been cold for years…until an anonymous tip that’s too shocking to believe leads Sam down a dark and dangerous path. Her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, knows if she can’t solve this case, it will haunt her for the rest of her life. She’ll need the strength of their bond to pull her out of the darkness before it’s too late, because as the missing pieces rapidly fall into place, Sam realizes the truth might just break her all the same—and that her father’s killer isn’t done yet…


Fatal Reckoning, Fatal Series Book 14
By Marie Force
Chapter 1

As she had every morning for seven days, Sam reached across the bed, looking for Nick, finding his side of the bed cold and unoccupied. He would be home from his trip to Europe later that day. Thank God. In his absence, she’d been forced to make due with rushed FaceTime conversations on their son Scotty’s phone, texts and the press coverage of the trip that had included an audience with Queen Elizabeth. Sam had been sorry to miss the chance to meet a woman she idolized, but she’d remained at home to care for their Scotty as well as Alden and Aubrey, the five-year-old twins who’d recently become part of their family after their parents were murdered.
She’d put the time to good use, getting “the littles,” as Nick had nicknamed the twins, back on a schedule that included a return to their preschool. Dr. Trulo, the Metro Police Department psychiatrist, had helped her find a qualified therapist who would work with the children together and individually to help them cope with their terrible loss. And she’d fielded phone calls from their mother’s family members, who were suddenly concerned about their well-being now that the men responsible for their parents’ murders had been brought to justice.
Sam couldn’t stand hypocrites and had gritted her teeth each time a member of a family that had initially expressed no concern whatsoever for the children called to check on them. Fortunately, their parents had made their older brother, Elijah, their legal guardian, and he’d asked Sam and Nick to serve as the children’s custodial guardians while he finished college at Princeton. What would happen after he graduated, Sam didn’t know and couldn’t think about. Not now when the children needed everything she and Nick and their devoted assistant, Shelby, had to give them to get their lives back on track, or as close to it as they could get without their beloved parents.
One step a time, she told herself, just as she often did while working a homicide investigation. The activity with the littles had been good for her as she served out a seven-day suspension for taking in the children of her murder victims, something she’d do again in a hot second. Was it a conflict of interest? Absolutely, but she hadn’t thought about that when she saw two babies in need of something she could give them. It had only taken a few days after she brought them home for everyone associated with their household to fall in love with the blond-haired twins.
She moved from her pillow to Nick’s, which bore faint remnants of his distinctive cologne, the scent of “home.” If her time-zone calculations were correct, he would be on Air Force Two by now, about to begin the seven-hour flight home from France. Her phone rang, and she wondered if it was him, telling her he’d be home soon. Greedy for anything from him that she could get after a week apart, she grabbed the phone and flipped it open without checking the caller ID.
“Sam!” Her stepmother, Celia’s urgent tone had Sam sitting up in bed.
“Morning. What’s going—”
“Sam, it’s your dad. Something’s wrong.”
“I’m coming.” Sam was out of bed and running before she gave a thought to the fact that she was wearing pajama bottoms, Nick’s favorite ratty Harvard T-shirt and no bra. She bolted from the bedroom, past the shocked Secret Service agent in the hallway and down the stairs as she held the phone to her ear and tried to beat back a tidal wave of panic. The agent working the front door opened it for her, thankfully without asking any questions. As she didn’t have Secret Service protection, Sam could come and go as she pleased, and the agents had gotten used to her mad dashes.
Barefoot and oblivious to the cold October air, she sprinted down the ramp Nick had installed so her dad could visit their home and covered the short distance between her home and her father’s in seconds, cruising up the ramp to his front door and bursting into the house.
“Back here,” Celia called.
Sam went from the living room through the kitchen to her father’s bedroom in what used to be the dining room. With one quick glance, she saw that his color was all wrong and his lips were blue. In that moment, none of her training or years of emergency experience was available to her. In that moment, she wasn’t a decorated police officer. She was only a daughter staring at the lifeless face of the first man she’d ever loved.
“Sam! What should we do?”
Celia’s frantic tone and her fearful expression nudged Sam into action. With shaking hands, she called 9-1-1 and requested help.
The operator asked for specifics.
“Sixty-four-year-old unresponsive quadriplegic.” She recited the Ninth Street address. “Tell the Secret Service that Lieutenant Holland said to let them in.”
“Of course, Lieutenant.” The operator perked up when she realized who she was talking to. “Do you know the victim?”
“Yes.” Sam tried to swallow around the huge knot of fear wedged in her throat. “He’s my father.” My touchstone. My hero. My best friend forever. “Please hurry.”
“EMS is on the way. Has your father had any recent health issues?”
“Nothing other than the paralysis.” He’d been doing better in the last year after surgery to remove the bullet that had remained lodged in his neck for three years. He’d regained some sensation in his extremities, but he’d become frailer with every month spent immobile. Sam walked around the hospital bed to comfort Celia, who was stroking Skip’s face and hair and begging him to open his eyes, to talk to her.
“Please don’t do this,” Celia said pleadingly between sobs. “Not yet. Don’t leave me.”
Debra Nixon, the lead agent on Scotty’s detail, appeared in the doorway, probably after having been told of Sam’s sprint. “What can I do?” She assessed the situation with sharp eyes.
Holding the phone to the side, Sam said, “Tell the agents at the checkpoint to let in EMS.”
“Done. What else?”
“Ask the agents at the house to keep an eye on the kids? Don’t let Scotty come over here.” Dear God, Scotty… He adored his Gramps. All at once, Sam couldn’t breathe as the potential magnitude of what was happening registered, leaving her staggered, her legs nearly buckling under her. Somehow, she remained standing, but only because Celia needed her to keep it together. Inside, however, she crumbled.
“EMS has arrived,” the operator said. “I’ll pray for your family, Lieutenant.”
“Thank you.” Sam slapped the phone closed.
Debra went to let in the paramedics, who brought equipment and badly needed competence. They immediately took over, tending to Skip as Sam and Celia stood with their arms wrapped around each other. Watching one of her worst fears play out, Sam wondered if she might be dreaming this. It had to be a dream because the possibility that this could be real was too frightening and heartbreaking to entertain.
The lead paramedic looked to Sam and Celia. “Has he had any recent health issues?”
“Nothing other than the paralysis and a persistent urinary tract infection.” Celia dabbed at tears with a tissue. “He’s been on antibiotic for that.”
“Has he ever been unresponsive like this?”
“No,” Celia said. “Never.”
Sam knew she should call her sisters but couldn’t bring herself to move or do anything other than hope and pray.
The paramedic listening to her father’s heart shook his head, and the other one sprang into action, setting up a portable defibrillator. Seeing the paddles and understanding what they were doing snapped Sam out of the dreamlike trance she’d slipped into as the surreal scene unfolded around her.
“No,” Sam said. “No.”
“Sam!” Celia cried. “What’re you doing?”
Sam stared at the face of the man who meant the world to her. “It’s not what he would want.” She knew it without a shadow of a doubt. In some ways, the most difficult decision she would ever make was also the simplest.
“Please, Sam.” Celia sobbed helplessly. “Please.”
Sam met the intense gaze of the lead paramedic. “He has a DNR.”
Hearing that, the paramedics stepped back.
Sobbing, Celia pulled free of Sam’s embrace to lean over her husband, kissing and caressing the half of his face that had retained full sensation after the shooting and the stroke that’d followed. Long after his injury, Sam and her sisters learned that for some time he’d been dating Celia, who became his devoted nurse and later, his wife.
“Lieutenant,” one of the paramedics said. “Would you like us to transport him?”
A lifetime of holidays, celebrations, parties and other events in this house ran through her mind in a flash. Skip Holland had lived there for most of his adult life. It seemed only fitting that his life should also end in the home he’d loved. If he was in pain, he probably couldn’t feel it. She took comfort in that.
“No, thank you.” Sam’s heart hurt, her hands trembled and her mouth had gone dry from fear. How would she ever go on without him?
The paramedics stepped out of the room.
Sam wanted to beg them to stay. She couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t bear it. Tracy. Angela. She had to call them. Her hands were shaking so badly she could barely make the call to her eldest sister.
“Are you losing your mind without your man?” Tracy asked in a teasing tone.
“What? Sam? What’s wrong?”
“It’s Dad. You need to come. Tell Ang too. Hurry.”
“What?” Tracy asked, frantic. “What’s wrong?”
“He’s… Just come. As fast as you can.”
“Call Angela and get over here. Now.”
“We’re coming,” Tracy said, sounding undone.
Sam moved around to the other side of the bed and gazed down at her dad’s face as he struggled to breathe. Tears threatened, but she fought them off, determined to stay strong for Celia, who was hysterical.
They’d been on borrowed time for almost four years now, during which Skip’s once-robust world had been reduced to three rooms. He’d been trapped in a kind of hell she wouldn’t wish on her worst enemy. All that time, she’d known that at some point his body would surrender the fight.
Knowing it could happen at any time didn’t make the reality easier, though.
Her sisters lived close by, so it didn’t take them long to get there, rushing into the room and bringing the scents of cold and wood smoke with them. They took one look at Skip and broke down into heartbroken sobs when they realized what was happening. Sam didn’t acknowledge them or do anything other than stare at the face of the man who’d occupied the very center of her life.
“What can we do?” Tracy’s husband Mike asked, as he stood behind Sam and her sisters.
“Nothing,” Sam said. “We have to let him go because he wouldn’t want heroic measures.” Later, she’d probably wonder where her composure was coming from. All she knew for certain was that her dad had lived long enough trapped inside the prison of his useless body, and it was up to them now to let him go with the grace in which he’d lived his remarkable life.
Angela went around the bed to try and comfort Celia, who was inconsolable.
Tracy wrapped her arms around Sam. Only with her sister’s warmth pressed up against her, did Sam realize how cold she was.
As she wondered if he could still hear them, Sam thought about what she should say to him while she still could. But there was no need for last-minute salvos. Nothing had been left unsaid between her and her father. He would leave this world knowing exactly where he stood with her and the rest of his family. Skip Holland had been loved and respected and adored by his wife and daughters and had returned those sentiments tenfold.
They were all there, the four people he loved the most, when Skip took his last breath at eight thirty-seven.
Sam noted the time, because she knew it would matter. For a long time after his chest stopped moving, she continued to stare down at him. Through the fog of the surreal, she understood what had happened, and in one tiny remote part of her, she felt relieved for him. She’d never been a particularly religious person. However, the thought of Skip walking tall and proud, freed from the god-awful prison of his egregious injury, into the kingdom of heaven, brought badly needed comfort.
But when she thought about Celia, herself and her sisters, Skip’s beloved grandchildren, devoted sons-in-law, colleagues and friends—the many people who had loved him—she ached for everyone who would be left to go on without him. And in the corner of her soul that belonged to her family in blue, she seethed with rage, directed at the nameless, faceless criminal who’d taken Skip from them far too soon.

On the way home at last, Nick thought, watching the Paris skyline get smaller as Air Force Two climbed to altitude. He had a million things to do, emails that had given birth to more emails while he’d been away, briefing documents to review before he returned to the White House on Monday and a press corps on board hungry for interviews.
But all he could think about was eight more hours until he could see his Samantha. That felt like an eternity after missing her terribly for an endless week apart.
They were absurd. He knew it. She knew it. They didn’t care who knew it. What had started as a crazy, wildfire of attraction the night they met, had been denied for six long years until they were reunited at a crime scene, of all places. Sometimes Nick thought they were still making up for lost time almost two years after finding each other again.
That was the best explanation he had for the absolutely ridiculous love they had for each other, the kind of love that made a life worth living. He was eager to get home to spend time with Scotty and the “littles” who had recently joined their family. But he was absolutely desperate to see his wife, to hold her, kiss her, make love to her, breathe her in and stare at her gorgeous face. He could do that for hours and never get tired of the view. Her face was his favorite view in the world.
A knock on the door that separated his cabin from the rest of the plane, drew Nick out of his thoughts. “Come in.”
His lead Secret Service agent, John Brantley Junior, stepped into the room, his expression serious and professional as always. Brant rarely cracked a grin or removed the all-business façade that made him such an effective agent.
“What’s up?” Nick asked.
“We received a call from Agent Nixon.”
As Debra Nixon was his son’s lead agent, Nick’s first thought was for Scotty. “What?” He fought back a burst of panic.
“Your father-in-law.”
“What about him?”
“I’m sorry to have to tell you that he passed away a short time ago. Mrs. Cappuano, her sisters and stepmother were with Deputy Chief Holland when he passed.”
Sam. Oh no, no, no. “I need to speak to my wife.”
“We’re attempting to reach her now. She’s not answering her phone.”
“Call one of the other agents and have them find her.”
“Yes, sir.”
Nick’s entire body felt cold with shock and despair as he imagined Sam dealing with such an awful loss, and while he was hours away from her. He’d never felt more useless or despondent as he imagined what she must be going through.
Brant returned a short time later, speaking on a secure satellite phone. “Hold on just a moment. Here he is.” He handed the phone to Nick.
“I’m here.” Her dull, flat tone told him so much but nowhere near enough.
“Babe… I’m so, so sorry.”
“Thank you. I know you loved him too.”
“I did. So much. I would give anything to be there with you right now.”
“I wish you were here too.”
“What happened?”
“Celia called when she couldn’t wake him. The paramedics came, but I told them he wouldn’t want to be resuscitated.”
Oh God, she had been the one to make that call? Nick closed his eyes, put his head back against the seat and released a deep breath, trying to imagine what it had cost her to make that decision on her father’s behalf. “What can I do for you?”
“It helps to hear your voice. I have to go tell Scotty, and the kids will be getting up.”
“I’ll see you when you get here, okay?”
“I love you so much, and I’m just heartbroken for you and Ange and Trace and Celia.”
“Thanks. I love you too. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too, babe.”
The line went dead, and he handed the phone back to Brant.
“I’m very sorry for your loss,” Brant said, visibly shaken. “Is Mrs. Cappuano…”
“She sounds… bad. Flat.”
“She’s in shock.”
Nick leaned forward, elbows on knees, head in hands. Skip is dead. Tears filled his eyes and spilled down his face, his thoughts full of Sam, Scotty and the rest of their family. This would be a devastating loss for all of them. And it was a devastating loss for him. Skip had been a friend and father figure to him since the day Nick met him. Even paralyzed from the neck down, Skip had managed to completely intimidate Nick with the formidable blue-eyed stare that had put him on notice. Take care of my baby girl, or you’ll deal with me. Few things had ever mattered more to Nick than keeping the promises he’d made to Skip Holland that first day.
“I’m going to ask Mr. O’Connor to step in, if that’s all right,” Brant said.
Nick nodded and used the sleeve of his shirt to mop up his tears.
Terry came into the cabin, shock etched into his expression. “I just heard the news. I’m so sorry, Nick.”
Nick insisted his chief of staff call him by name when they were alone. “Thanks.”
“Were you able to talk to Sam?”
“I won’t ask how she is.” Terry took a seat. “Did you hear what happened?”
“He was unresponsive this morning. They chose not to resuscitate him. He had a DNR.”
“What can I do for you?”
“Get me home to her as fast as you can. I don’t care what has to happen.”
“I’ll arrange for Marine Two to meet us at Andrews. We can land on the south lawn of the White House and have you home within minutes.”
“Thank you.” That would be quicker than being conveyed to the city via motorcade, but it was still going to take far too long.



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Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 contemporary romances, including the Gansett Island Series, which has sold more than 3 million books, and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books, which has sold 1.5 million books. In addition, she is the author of the Butler, Vermont Series, the Green Mountain Series and the erotic romance Quantum Series, written under the slightly modified name of M.S. Force. All together, her books have sold more than 5.5 million copies worldwide!

Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.
Join Marie's mailing list for news about new books and upcoming appearances in your area. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter @marieforce and on Instagram. Join one of Marie's many reader groups. Contact Marie at



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Today we have the blog tour for Elle Keating’s I DREAM OF SPIDERS! Check it out and be sure to order your copy today!

Title: I Dream of Spiders

Author: Elle Keating

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About I Dream of Spiders:

The move to the remote town of Quarry Hill, Pennsylvania was supposed to help Griffin McGuire start over and forget the two people who betrayed him. As a paramedic at the local hospital, he would still have to interact with people, but the rest of the time he could hole himself away in the secluded cabin he was renting. It was perfect. For the first time in over a year, he felt like he could finally breathe.

That was until he met her.

A woman who doesn’t know her own name or why she was covered in blood and standing in the middle of the road when he found her. Griffin knows he should contact the police, but something is preventing him from going to the authorities. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that he was correct in trusting his instincts. Every time she falls asleep, she dreams and another memory is unlocked. Memories that are horrific and make him want to protect and hide her from the world.


For the past ten minutes I stood in front of Trent’s guest bathroom mirror and willed myself to remember. Why can’t I see my captors’ faces in my mind? Why are all the other pieces coming together but the most important ones? I grip the sink and blow a lock of hair out of my eyes, but it just falls back into my line of vision.

Why can’t you see them? You need to remember. For all our sakes.

I saw the look on Griffin’s face tonight when he came home from work. He’s tired of this waiting game. Waiting for my damn memory to return completely. Couple that with the demons he is fighting on a daily basis…the man’s at the end of his rope.

I let out a frustrated sigh and then brush my teeth. I hear my phone on the vanity ding as I spit and I look at the screen. What is it this time? An advertisement for erectile dysfunction medication or the secret to how to cure unwanted facial hair? I’m wrong on both accounts. I towel off my face, pick up my phone, and delete the email that promises I will lose twenty-five pounds in seven days.

Music suddenly erupts from the phone in my hand. I look down and notice that I accidentally hit my Pandora app. I hum along as Adele serenades me with her sultry voice, but then I realize I sound like a dying cat and I stop and pause the music. The house is again quiet and my mood plummets even more.

I wonder if Griffin read the note and ate the dinner I cooked him. I want to be pissed at him, be fucking furious over how he’s treated me the last two days. I’m still mad, but after Trent told me about Miranda and what she did to Griffin, I can’t bring myself to hate him. I definitely would have sworn off men and relationships too if the roles were reversed. Over bagels and cream cheese Trent made it clear that he thinks there’s hope for us, that Griffin will be able to let me in at some point, but I’m not so sure.

Hating the silence, I start surfing and end up choosing a classical channel. Something safe. One that won’t tempt me to listen to the words and think about Griffin. I step out of the bathroom and place my phone on the nightstand. I’m in the middle of turning down the comforter when I hear three quick knocks at the bedroom door. Since Trent’s at work, it can only be Griffin. Another round of knocks ensues, faster and harder, and I flinch.

Fearing that there’s something wrong, I whip open the door and find Griffin standing there with his fist in the air. “Sorry,” he says, immediately lowering his arm.

He’s showered and is dressed for bed. A white t-shirt stretches over his muscular chest and he’s wearing a pair of black lounge pants that hang low on his hips. As much as I want to stare at his gorgeous body, it’s his eyes I focus on. He doesn’t take the opportunity to look me up and down or notice that I’m not wearing a bra beneath my pink tank top. His tortured gaze remains above my chin during the awkward silence we have going on.

“What’s wrong, Griffin?”

“You were never a mistake.” His hands are shaking at his sides. I see him swallow hard and he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. I have never seen him look so nervous…or scared. “I just don’t know what I’m doing,” he says, his voice thick with something so raw that I’m brought to tears. I want to take him into my arms, kiss the tension away. I want to rid his mind of memories that still haunt him. I want to make her go away. But I don’t want him to hurt me again. He must sense my apprehension because he steps closer and says, “I know you’re not Miranda.”
I reach for his trembling hands and place them on the sides of my face. “I’m not her.”

His eyes darken. His breathing quickens. I feel his fingers curl to secure my face in his palms. And then his lips are sealed over mine. “I’m sorry, Clare,” he utters between kisses. “So fucking sorry.”

My arms encircle his neck and I press my body against his. He lets out a groan that has me fisting his hair and tugging him closer until I can feel his arousal through my thin boyshorts.

“Need you, Clare,” he growls. Griffin backs me into the room and kicks the door closed behind us. “Let me have you.”

Get Your Copy Today:

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About the Author:

Elle Keating is the author of romance novels with sexy heroes and fierce females. Her first book, Thrill of the Chase (Dangerous Love, #1), was published by Forever Romance’s digital imprint, Forever Yours, in 2015. Cut to the Chase (Dangerous Love, #2) soon followed. Most recently, Elle self-published Wanting More (Dangerous Love, #3), Back to the Start (Dangerous Love, #4) Feels Like Falling (Dangerous Love, #5) and the standalone novel, Keeping His Commandments.
When Elle isn’t torturing her heroes and heroines (don’t worry, there’s always a happily ever after), she is a public school administrator and enjoys spending time with her husband and 3 children in New Jersey. For more on Elle and her books, visit

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Friday, March 29, 2019


Kennedy L. Mitchell's MINE TO PROTECT will be here in just 10 days! Check out the brand new teaser below and be sure to pre-order your copy today!



Recruited to the FBI Cas Mathews has one focus – catch the killer. That’s until officer Alta Johnson shoves her way on to the team, making him fantasize about the delicious curves she hides beneath her park ranger uniform. Alta’s natural beauty catches his immediate attention, but the strength behind her fierce gaze is what holds him captive – demanding he learns more about her.

As the team grows close, the serial killer shifts focus putting them all in danger. Cas should walk away before their sizzling attraction distracts him and gets them both killed. But as the threat pushes Cas and Alta closer, the temptation turns too hot for either to resist.

With their focus diverted the threat zeroes in, catching everyone off guard. Figuring out the players in the killer’s cat and mouse game is key to Alta’s survival. Cas swore he would protect her but with the clues carefully hidden, can he figure it out before Alta disappears for good?

Mine to Protect is a standalone, romantic thriller novel based in the beautiful mountains of the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Add MINE TO PROTECT to your Goodreads TBR!


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Kennedy lives in Dallas with her husband, son, and 80lb Goldendoodle who still believes he’s a lap dog. A bookworm at heart, Kennedy loves to snuggle up in bed or by the campfire with an unputdownable book. She began writing two years ago with Falling for the Chance and has no plans of stopping. Her novels are witty, action-packed, and offer enough steam for a great facial. If you like strong heroines and sexy, tattooed men who can’t keep their hands off them, then this author is the one for you.

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“The last thing she ever expected to find in her anger management group was love for a vampire.”

From New York Times Bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti, comes VENGEANCE, a new novella in her Dark Protectors and Rebels Series, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights! Be sure to grab your copy today!



From New York Times bestselling author, Rebecca Zanetti, comes a new Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella…

Vengeance and revenge are the only forces driving vampire soldier Noah Siosal since losing his brother to an enemy he’s been unable to find. He’s searched every corner of the globe, going through adversaries and piling up bodies until finally getting a lead. The last place he wants to be is in a ridiculous anger management group with people expressing feelings instead of taking action. Until one fragile human, a green-eyed sweetheart being stalked by danger, catches his eye. One touch, and he realizes vengeance can’t be anywhere near her.

Anger and self-preservation are the only motivations Abby Miller needs or wants right now. Falsely accused of attacking the man who’s terrorized her for years, she’s forced as a plea bargain to attend an anger management counseling group with people with some serious rage issues, while learning true self defense on the side. Yet a man, one more primal than any she’s ever met, draws her in a way and into a world deadlier than she’s ever imagined. He offers her protection, but she finds the fight is really for his heart, and she’s ready to battle.


His hand slid around her face and tangled in her hair, tilting her head back farther.
She sighed and kissed him, warming right up. Her eyelids opened to see his intense gaze on her. She jerked, her body stilling.
Holding her gaze, he lifted lightly, his lips barely a whisper from hers. “You okay?”
She nodded, even though his hand in her hair contained her movement. “Yes. You?”
“Yes. You want more?” He held himself still, like one of those racehorses in a stall right before the gate opened.
Her nipples peaked. Fast and hard. More? There was more? She should think. Take a step back. “Yes,” she said. “More.”
He moved faster than humanly possible, ducking his head and claiming her lips. This time, there was no gentleness or coaxing. It was all fire and electricity and demand. Hard and fast, he took her mouth, kissing her in a way that took her completely out of the moment.
The rain and cold disappeared along with her fear and sadness. Only passion and fire remained. She let him guide her, opening her mouth, wanting everything he was giving. Never had she felt this. Her body went from a slow heat to a full-on inferno, her thighs trembling for more of him. For all of him.
Headlights barely caught her attention. Then a door slamming. “What the hell?” bellowed a familiar male voice.
She jumped, fear instantly swamping her. “No.”
Noah released her and turned as Monte stomped toward them, fury morphing into red blotches on a face she’d once thought handsome. “What are you doing?” he yelled, arms swinging, getting too close.
Noah partially turned and punched him right in the mouth. Monte went down, splashing through a mudpuddle, his arms windmilling.
Abby gasped, her body chilling instantly. Horror caught her. Oh God. “What have you done?”


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Rebecca Zanetti’s VENGEANCE –Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:

March 20th

Book Lovers Reviews and Recommendations – Review & Excerpt

Ilovebooksandstuffblog – Review

Shelleen's Musings – Review & Excerpt

The Escapist Book Blog – Review & Excerpt

March 21st

Jen's Reading Obsession – Excerpt

Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Excerpt – Review

March 22nd

British Bookworm Blog – Review

Canadian Book Addict – Review

Nerdy Dirty & Flirty – Excerpt

Sip Read Love – Review

March 23rd

Cat's Guilty Pleasure – Excerpt

The Reading Care – Review & Excerpt

TjLovesToRead – Review & Excerpt

March 24th

Anna's Bookshelf – Review & Excerpt

Dog-Eared Daydreams – Review

Literary Misfit – Review & Excerpt

March 25th

Cup of Tea Book Blog – Review & Excerpt

Stephanie's Book Reports – Review & Excerpt

The Sassy Bookster – Review & Excerpt

March 26th

All Things Dark & Dirty – Review & Excerpt

CoensK Reviews – Review & Excerpt

Reading in Pajamas – Review & Excerpt

March 27th

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt

Bookaliciousbabes blog – Review & Excerpt

KDRBCK – Review

March 28th

Book Loving Pixies – Review & Excerpt

Family, Books and Food – Excerpt

Obsessive Reading Disorder – Review & Excerpt

March 29th

Cupcakesandbookshelves – Excerpt

Hannah's Words – Review & Excerpt

Jax's Book Magic – Excerpt

Read-Love-Blog – Excerpt




About Rebecca Zanetti:

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.

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Thursday, March 28, 2019



From New York Times bestselling author Jay Crownover comes DOWNFALL, a sexy, standalone contemporary romance! Check out all the stops on the tour, and grab your copy today, or read in Amazon KU!



Solomon Sanders doesn’t have time to fall in love. Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.

From the start, it’s been ingrained in Solo’s DNA to fight.

Fight for what he believes is right.

Fight for the people he loves.

Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad.

Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.

He wasn’t ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.

Now, he’s facing the most important, and the hardest fight he’s ever fought… the battle to win Orley’s damaged heart.

Orley Vincent’s heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love. Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.

From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn’t good enough.

She wasn’t the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.

But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble.

Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley’s a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself… and for love.

DOWNFALL is now available in KU!
Amazon US | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Amazon FR
Amazon Paperback: Coming soon!



Jay Crownover’s DOWNFALL – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:

March 29th

Bookgasms Book Blog – Review

Books, Coffee & Passion – Excerpt

Cyndy's Read's – Review

Milky Way of Books – Review

North & South Book Blog – Review

Obsessed by books – Review & Excerpt

People Like Books –Review

Readers Retreats – Excerpt

Two Book Pushers – Review & Excerpt

Words We Love By – Review & Excerpt

March 30th

Adventures in Writing – Excerpt

Book Starlets – Review & Excerpt

Books 4 Girls – Excerpt

Kinky Girls Book Obsessions – Review

Lo's Lo-Down on Books –Review & Excerpt

Red Hot + Blue Reads –Review & Excerpt

Seraphim Book Reviews – Review

Sweetheart Reads –Review

The Lovely Teacher Addictions – Review & Excerpt

March 31st

Always a happy ever after – Review

Bad boys and bedtime stories book blog – Review

Devilishly dirty book blog – Review & Excerpt

Movies, Shows, & Books – Excerpt

Nicole's Book Musings – Review

Reviews by Tammy and Kim (Rachel and Jay) – Review & Excerpt

Sofia Loves Books – Review & Excerpt

The Secret World of Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt

April 1st

A crazy vermonters book reviews – Review

Bookishly Nerdy – Review & Excerpt

Booknerd1107 – Review & Excerpt

Ceres Books World – Review

I Heart Books – Review & Excerpt


Little Shop of Readers – Review

Red Cheeks Reads – Review & Excerpt

Tara’s Book Blog –Review & Excerpt

Whoo Gives A Hoot –Review & Excerpt

April 2nd

A Book Nerd, a Bookseller and a Bibliophile – Review & Excerpt

Book Angel Booktopia – Review & Excerpt

Booked All Night – Review & Excerpt

Cat's Guilty Pleasure – Review

Family, Books and Food – Excerpt

Jeri's Book Attic – Review

Kiss and Tell Book Blog – Review & Excerpt

Literary Misfit – Review & Excerpt

Renee Entress's Blog – Review & Excerpt

Stephanie's Book Reports – Review

The bookworms obsession – Review

April 3rd

Anne & Melissa's Book Love – Excerpt

Bobos Book Bank – Excerpt

Book Fancy – Review

Crazii Bitches Book Blog –Review & Excerpt

Jax's Book Magic – Review & Excerpt

KDRBCK –Review & Excerpt

Obsessive Reading Disorder – Excerpt

Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Excerpt

Smut Book Junkie Book Reviews – Excerpt

The Book Maven – Review & Excerpt

April 4th

All Things Dark & Dirty –Excerpt

BOOKS to LUST BY – Review & Excerpt

Curvy and Nerdy – Review & Excerpt

I Heart Romance & YA – Review

Love Notes Bok Blog – Review & Excerpt

Marie Stuck In A Book – Review& Excerpt

My Girlfriend's Couch – Excerpt

Onceupon_a_bookdream –Review & Excerpt

Shayna Renee – Review

Verna Loves Books – Review

April 5th

abibliophobia anonymous book reviews – Review

CoensK Reviews – Excerpt

K&M Sultry Reads – Review & Excerpt

Lolas Book Blog – Review

Megan's Media Melange – Review

Messy Bun Book Blog – Excerpt

Nerdy Chic – Review

Reese's Reviews – Review & Excerpt

Soly's books – Review & Excerpt

The Bookish Sisters – Review & Excerpt

About Jay Crownover:

Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series, the Saints of Denver series, the Point series, the Breaking Point series, the Getaway series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.For more on Jay and her books, visit



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From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kaylea Cross comes the next scintillating novel in her Crimson Point Series! ROCKY GROUND is a standalone romance with a hero sure to keep readers up long into the night. Check out the review blitz below and pick up your copy of ROCKY GROUND today!


✮✮✮ ROCKY GROUND is here! Grab your copy today! ✮✮✮


She’s been hurt too many times…

Single mom Tiana Fitzgerald has sworn off all romantic relationships to protect herself and her daughter. Her track record is disastrous and she’s done getting hurt. But a certain sexy Scotsman in Crimson Point has other ideas, and somehow manages to sneak past her defenses at every turn. As the hits keep coming and her life implodes, she begins to see he’s unlike any man she’s ever known. Now he’s become the greatest threat to her heart, because there’s no possible future for them. Not when he’s leaving the country in a few weeks. And when her worst fears are realized, she must risk everything by placing her trust in in his hands.

He’s determined to capture her heart.

Scotsman Aidan MacIntyre never saw the fiery, beautiful Tiana coming. The prickly redhead has gotten under his skin as badly as he wants to get under hers. But she’s determined to keep walls between them. Luckily the former Royal Marine doesn’t know how to give up. Someone from her past wants to hurt her, but Aidan will stand between her and any threat. He’ll stop at nothing to protect her and the little girl who have completely stolen his heart—and fight for them to have a future together.

Order your copy of ROCKY GROUND today!


Kindle | Kobo | Apple Books | Nook


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The molten hunger in his eyes sent a torrent of heat rushing through her body even as her old fears bubbled to the surface again. “Aidan…” she murmured, dropping her gaze to his chest.

She’d done it. Given her unspoken consent. Now her heart was trying to pound its way out of her chest.

His hand came up to stroke her hair away from her face. She leaned into his touch, craving more. Craving this wonderful, incredible man that for some reason wanted her in spite of all her imperfections.

Her heart beat an erratic rhythm against her ribs. She’d never experienced anything like this before. Not with this level of intensity. This was…something she’d only read about before. Was it because of everything they’d gone through together? Because she’d relied on him for survival?

His fingers stroked against her scalp in a drugging caress that had her eyelids drooping. “What are you so afraid of?”

She looked up at him again. God, he was beautiful. And strong. And brave.

He was also going to rip her heart out when he left.

It wasn’t easy to voice her insecurities aloud, but she felt comfortable with him. Close to him in a way she’d never felt with another man. “Of making another mistake. Of getting my heart broken again,” she whispered.

He cupped the side of her face to run his thumb over her cheekbone. “I’ll not hurt you, lass.”

Her insides squeezed at the tenderness in his voice, the yearning in his eyes. No, he wouldn’t hurt her intentionally. “But you’re leaving soon. In another few weeks.” That was going to leave a scar, no matter how gently the cut was made.

“Aye,” he agreed, his gaze locked with hers. “But I’m here now.”

His words reverberated in the deepest recesses of her heart. He was right here in front of her, and he wanted her.

Any other arguments she had stored up vanished in the space of a single heartbeat. Before she could think herself out of it, she gave free rein to the need pulsing inside her, took his face in her hands and pulled him down to her waiting lips.



Kaylea Cross’ ROCKY GROUND Review Blitz:

March 26th

2 One-Click Addicts

A Lucky Grace

Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

Books & Spoons

Books of My Heart

Brittany's Book Blog

Cat's Guilty Pleasure

Cinta's Corner

Devilishly dirty book blog

Discrete Divas

For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

It's All About the Romance

Jen's Reading Obsession

Kick Back & Review

K's Korner

Megan's Media Melange

Megpie93's Blog

Melena's Reviews

Missy, Michelle Books Reviews Competitions Blog's

Once Upon a Book Blog

Only One More Page

Polished Bookworm

Reading Away The Days

Romance as a first language

Romancing the Dispatcher

Romantic Reads and Such

Seraphim Book Reviews

Southern Vixens Book Obsessions

The Book Disciple

March 27th

All Things Dark & Dirty

Always a happy ever after

East Coast Book Chicks

Ebook Indulgence

Family, Books and Food

Just Reading Book Blog

Kari's Book Reviews and Revelations

Little Shop of Readers

Marie Stuck In A Book

Ree Cee's Books

Renee Entress's Blog

Reviews from the Heart

The Reading Café

March 28th

A Book Nerd, a Bookseller and a Bibliophile

Angels With Attitude Book Reviews

Book Addict

Bookishly Yours


Happily Ever After Book Nerd

Jax's Book Magic


Literary Misfit

Nerdy Chic

Nerdy Dirty and Flirty

Obsessive Reading Disorder

Shannon’s Book Blog

Spoons, Hooks, and Books

TBR Book Blog

The Romance Reviews

The World Was Hers for the Reading

V's Reads



About Kaylea Cross:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards, including the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence, and has been nominated multiple times for the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.




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Wednesday, March 27, 2019


We are so excited to be sharing the cover of A GIRL LIKE YOU, the next book is New York Times bestselling author Samantha Chase's new Magnolia Sound series. Be sure so pre-order your copy today so you don't miss out on this new small town romance!



Sam Westbrook has always been the family hell-raiser, but as an adult he's enjoyed not being under the constant watchful eye of his family. That was until his great-grandfather passed away. Forced to move to the small coastal town of Magnolia Sound, Sam can't escape the reputation that has followed him since his teenage years. But he'll have to do it to get his inheritance.

Shelby Abbott was always the good girl – it's what happens when you're the pastor's daughter in a small town. Now, she's ready to leave that image behind. For years she's heard about wild Sam Westbrook, but she never though she would be the one to catch his eye. And being the center of Sam's attention isn't something Shelby ever prepared for.

Sam's time in Magnolia Sound has an expiration date and Shelby's not sure she's the kind of girl who can be just another one of his flings. But Sam's ready to make some changes. And a girl like her is just who he needs.

Add A GIRL LIKE YOU to your Goodreads TBR!


Pre-order A GIRL LIKE YOU today!
Amazon | Apple | Nook | Kobo




Samantha Chase is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance. She released her debut novel in 2011 and currently has more than forty titles under her belt! When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook, wearing a tiara while playing with her sassy pug Maylene…oh, and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Six bestselling and award-winning authors bring to life a breathtaking epic novel illuminating the hopes, desires, and destinies of princesses and peasants, harlots and wives, fanatics and philosophers—six unforgettable women whose paths cross during one of the most tumultuous and transformative events in history: the French Revolution.

RIBBONS OF SCARLET: A Novel of the French Revolution, releases October 1st, 2019! Check out the amazing cover below and pre-order your copy today!


About RIBBONS OF SCARLET: A Novel of the French Revolution (Coming October 1, 2019)

Ribbons of Scarlet is a timely story of the power of women to start a revolution—and change the world.

In late eighteenth-century France, women do not have a place in politics. But as the tide of revolution rises, women from gilded salons to the streets of Paris decide otherwise—upending a world order that has long oppressed them.

Blue-blooded Sophie de Grouchy believes in democracy, education, and equal rights for women, and marries the only man in Paris who agrees. Emboldened to fight the injustices of King Louis XVI, Sophie aims to prove that an educated populace can govern itself--but one of her students, fruit-seller Louise Audu, is hungrier for bread and vengeance than learning. When the Bastille falls and Louise leads a women’s march to Versailles, the monarchy is forced to bend, but not without a fight. The king’s pious sister Princess Elisabeth takes a stand to defend her brother, spirit her family to safety, and restore the old order, even at the risk of her head.

But when fanatics use the newspapers to twist the revolution’s ideals into a new tyranny, even the women who toppled the monarchy are threatened by the guillotine. Putting her faith in the pen, brilliant political wife Manon Roland tries to write a way out of France’s blood-soaked Reign of Terror while pike-bearing Pauline Leon and steely Charlotte Corday embrace violence as the only way to save the nation. With justice corrupted by revenge, all the women must make impossible choices to survive--unless unlikely heroine and courtesan’s daughter Emilie de Sainte-Amaranthe can sway the man who controls France’s fate: the fearsome Robespierre.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound | Apple Books | Kobo


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About Kate Quinn:

Kate Quinn is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of historical fiction. A native of southern California, she attended Boston University where she earned a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Classical Voice. She has written four novels in the Empress of Rome Saga, and two books in the Italian Renaissance, before turning to the 20th century with "The Alice Network" and "The Huntress." All have been translated into multiple languages. Kate and her husband now live in San Diego with two rescue dogs named Caesar and Calpurnia, and her interests include opera, action movies, cooking, and the Boston Red Sox.


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About Stephanie Dray:

Stephanie Dray is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestselling author of historical women's fiction. Her award-winning work has been translated into eight languages and tops lists for the most anticipated reads of the year. She lives near the nation's capital with her husband, cats, and history books.





Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Dray & Kamoie Website


About Laura Kamoie:

A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of historical fiction, Laura Kamoie has always been fascinated by the people, stories, and physical presence of the past, which led her to a lifetime of historical and archaeological study and training. She holds a doctoral degree in early American history from The College of William and Mary, published two non-fiction books on early America, and most recently held the position of Associate Professor of History at the U.S. Naval Academy before transitioning to a full-time career writing genre fiction. She is the author of AMERICA'S FIRST DAUGHTER and MY DEAR HAMILTON, co-authored with Stephanie Dray, allowing her the exciting opportunity to combine her love of history with her passion for storytelling. Laura lives among the colonial charm of Annapolis, Maryland with her husband and two daughters.


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About Sophie Perinot:

Sophie Perinot is an award-winning, multi-published author of female-centered historical fiction, who holds both a Bachelors in History and a law degree. With two previous books set in France—during the 13th and 16th centuries—Sophie has a passion for French history that began more than thirty years ago when she first explored the storied châteaux of the Loire Valley. She lives in the Washington DC metropolitan area with her husband, children and a small menagerie of pets.




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About Heather Webb:

Heather Webb is the award-winning and international bestselling author of six historical novels set in France, including the upcoming Meet Me in Monaco, set to the backdrop of Grace Kelly’s wedding releasing in summer 2019, and Ribbons of Scarlet, a novel of the French Revolution’s women in Oct 2019. In 2015, Rodin’s Lover was selected as a Goodreads Top Pick, and in 2017, Last Christmas in Paris became a Globe & Mail bestseller and also won the 2018 Women’s Fiction Writers Association STAR Award. Her works have received national starred reviews, and have been sold in over a dozen countries worldwide. When not writing, you may find Heather collecting cookbooks or looking for excuses to travel. She lives in New England with her family and one feisty rabbit.


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About E. Knight:

E. KNIGHT is a USA Today bestselling author of rip-your-heart-out historical women’s fiction that crosses the landscapes of Europe. Her love of history began as a young girl when she traipsed the halls of Versailles and ran through the fields in Southern France. She can still remember standing before the great golden palace, and imagining what life must have been like. She is the owner of the acclaimed blog History Undressed. Eliza lives in Maryland atop a small mountain with a knight, three princesses and two very naughty newfies. Visit Eliza at, or her historical blog, History Undressed, You can follow her on Twitter: @EKHistoricalFic, Facebook:, and Instagram @ElizaKnightFiction.

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